The Sims 3 - New Real House

Cheat the Sims 2

ini ada beberapa cheat The Sims 2 yg telah saya kumpulkan..
semoga bermanfaat..!

bisa juga di ketik boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true biar semua berjalan baik

Kaching —— Nambah duit $1000
Motherlode —– nambah duit $5000
nosocialworker —– ga ada pekerja sosial
slowMotion # —– # ganti dgn angka dr 0 - 8
aging -on —– karakter bisa TUA
aging -off —– karakter ga bisa TUA
moveObjects on —- bisa mindahin apa aja [termasuk orgnya]
moveObjects off —- mematikan fungsi ‘Diatas’
autoPatch -on —- untuk auto update sims auto [perlu internet]
autoPatch -off —- mematikan fungsi ‘diatas’
deleteAllCharacters — hapus semua karakter [hrz dlm Neighborhood View]
twinsr2cute —– biar bisa punya anak kembar
stretchskeleton # —– membuat karakter lebih besar/kecil [ganti # dgn Larger / Smaller]
intprop censorgridsize # —– menghilangkan sensor [ganti # dgn angka 0-8]
expand —– membesarkan menu cheat / console cheat
help —- menampilkan daftar cheat
exit —- keluar dr game tanpa save

kembar : twinsforce

kembar cewek : boolprop forcegirls 100

kembar cowok : boolprop forcegirls 100


CheatCode -> Result

Kaching -> Adds $1.000,- to household funds
Motherlode -> Adds $50.000,- to household funds
Moveobjects on/off -> Move unmovable objects
Aging -on/-off -> Sims won't age
StretchSkeleton (number) -> Make your sim smaller or higher. 2.0 double size, 0.5 half size, etc.
intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims # -> You can invite more guests with a party and more Sims show up at community lots. Use in Neighbourhood screen
boolProp snapObjectsToGrid [true/false] -> Use 'false' to place objects out of grid. Click here for more info about this and former cheat
boolProp testingCheatsEnabled [true/false] -> Use 'true' to enable CAS debugmode and more. Click this link for more info about this cheat
boolprop constrainFloorElevation [true/false] -> Use 'false' to make it possible to raise or lower the floor even when there are objects, flooring or walls on it.
boolProp simShadows [true/false] -> Turns shadow of sim on or off
Vsync on/off -> Turning off increases game performance but with some graphical errors as the price
floatProp tvVolume [0.0-1.0] -> 0.5 is default. Lower or increase number to manage tv sound
boolProp displayPaths [true/false] -> True=You see the path where the selected sim walks to
boolprop unevenTilesFloorable [true/false] -> True=Can place floortiles on sloped ground
boolProp useEffects [true/false] -> False=Turns off all effects like speech balloons, memories and the sky
boolProp useShaders true [true/false] -> True=Makes the pool water clearer
faceBlendLimits -on/off -> When making a child in CAS, this cheat can turn off facial bounding limitations

University cheats

boolProp allow45DegreeAngleOfRotation [true/false] -> Allows rotating any object in 45 degree increments with < and > keys
setHighestAllowedLevel [level] -> Can build higher then 5 floors
boolProp dormSpecificToolsDisabled [true/false] -> Enables build/buy mode tools in a dorm lot
changeLotZoning [residential | community | greek | dorm | secretsociety] -> Changes the zoning type of the lot

Nightlife cheats

familyfunds [Familyname] # -> Add or extract money for a chosen family. For example, "familyfunds Jones +10000" adds $10.000 to family Jones. -10000 extracts $10.000
roofslopeangle [15-75] -> Adjusts the slope angle on all roofs on a lot
showHeadlines [on/off] -> Makes all thought balloons invisible
unlockCareerRewards -> Unlocks all career rewards for selected sim
MaxMotives -> Sets all needs for all sims on the lot to full
motiveDecay [on/off] -> Turns natural need decay on or off
aspirationPoints # -> Adds the specified number of Aspiration points to selected sim
lockAspiration [on/off] -> Freezes aspiration point decay for all sims on the lot
aspirationLevel [0-5] -> Changes Sims' aspiration level. 0=lowest, 5=Platinum level
agesimscheat [on/off] -> Adds 'set age' to interaction menu. Any sim you click on, can be set to any age group
setLotLightingFile [filename] -> Change lighting by choosing an alternate lighting file. Original can be found in /Nightlife/TSData/Res/Lights. To restore use "setLotLightingFile clear"

Open for Business cheats

AddneighbortoFamilycheat [on/off] -> Click on an NPC to add one to the current household
Forcetwins -> With a pregnant Sim selected, using this cheat will transform the pregnancy into a twin birth
Sethour [0-23] -> Set time of day
Plumbbobtoggle -> Makes the overhead plumb bob invisible. Hold down Ctrl + Alt while an object is selected Allows you to put as many items on a wall as you want, even if they overlap

Pets cheats

boolprop ControlPets [on/off] -> Makes pets fully controlable, but you can't cancel actions from their queue
boolprop DisablePuppyKittenAging [true/false] -> Turns off aging for kittens and puppies
boolprop PetActionCancel [true/false] -> Makes actions in a pet's queue accessible
boolprop ShowCatalogePFlags [true/false] -> Activates labels in the detail view of each Buy mode and Build mode objects to show which product they came from (EP or SP)
boolprop PetsFreeWill [true/false] -> Turns pet free will off
DeleteAllAwnings -> Deletes all awnings on lot
DeleteAllFences -> Deletes all fences on lot
DeleteAllHalfWalls -> Deletes all half walls on lot
DeleteAllObjects [Doors/Windows/Stairs] -> Deletes all Doors, Windows or Stairs on lot
DeleteAllWalls -> Deletes all walls on lot
IndividualRoofSlopeAngle [15/75] -> Activates a tool to change the roof slopes of individual roofs on a lot

Seasons cheat

bugJarTimeDecay [on/off] -> Makes fireflies live forever in jars when set to off

FreeTime cheat

modifyNeighborhoodTerrain [on/off] -> Modify Nhood terrain: [= Raise, ]=lower, \=level, p=Smooth terrain

Lot cheats

boolprop lotWater [true/false] -> False=Removes water from lots (ponds)
boolprop lotTerrainPaints [true/false] -> False=Removes floorpainting on lot
boolprop showFloorGrid [true/false] -> Shows grid or not in build or buy mode
boolprop objectShadows [true/false] -> False=Removes shadows on objects OUTside house
boolProp guob [true/false] -> False=Removes shadows on objects INside house
boolprop renderSelectedSimLevel [true/false] -> True=Walls no longer cut away for selected sim
boolprop locktiles [true/false] -> False=You can place floortiles outside lot (Like on road)
boolprop reflectionWithExtraViewer [true/false] -> Turns on/off reflection in mirrors
boolprop renderInsideObjectOnlyOnSelectedSimLevel [true/false] -> True=Objects only appear on levels the selected sim is on and when that floor is selected
boolprop renderSelectedSimLevel [true/false] -> True=Only see selected simlevel; like when sim is on top floor, other floors are invisible

Neighbourhood cheats

deleteAllCharacters -> Removes every sim from the neighbourhood
TerrainType desert/temperate/dirt/concrete -> Toggles between terrain types
boolProp CameraDriftCamEnabled [true/false] -> False=Camera does not move in Nhood
boolprop displayNeighborhoodProps [true/false]-> False=Removes props like rocks and towers from Nhood
boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoads [true/false]-> False=Removes roads from Nhood
boolprop displayNeighborhoodFlora [true/false] -> False=Removes trees/plants from Nhood
boolprop displayNeighborhoodWater [true/false]-> False=removes water from Nhood
boolprop displayLotImposters [true/false] -> False=Removes houses from Nhood (just the graphics, not the houses themselves)
boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoadsWithModel [true/false] -> False=Removes bridges from Nhood
boolprop lotTerrainLighting [true/false] -> False=Lots won't light up when you move your mouse over it in Nhood
boolprop carsCompact [true/false] -> True=Cars in Nhood have more detail
boolprop ShowLotPackageFilename [true/false] -> In Nhood, shows filename of house when you move your mouse over a lot
boolprop nhoodWaterReflection [true/false] -> Turns on/off water reflection in nhood
boolProp carsOnRight [true/false]-> Cars in Nhood drive on left or right side of road

Filmmaking cheats

Slowmotion 0-8 -> 0 is normal speed and 8 is slower
boolProp enablePostProcessing true/false -> Must be true for all filmic cheats to function
Bloom (r g b x) -> Creates a filmic look in which everything's so bright it blurs together "r", "g," and "b" are color values (0-255) and "x" is the amount of blooming from 0 to 255
vignette (centerx centery X) -> Creates a filmic look in which a focal point is clear but everything around it is blurry
filmgrain (0-1) -> Creates a film graininess
letterbox (0.0-0.4) -> Creates a letterbox view of size specified

Less usefull cheats

boolprop renderOpaqueUI [true/false] -> True=Removes transparency on control panel
boolprop lotTerrainCanvas [true/false] -> Not really sure. Grass turns blue?
boolprop displayLookAtBoxes [true/false] -> True=blocks appear on sims faces and on parts where sims look at
gameVersion -> After typing in 'expand', you see the game version in the cheat box
boolprop allObjectLightsOn [true/false] -> True= Lights up objects continously instead of only when used, like fridges/tv's, etc.
floatprop particleDensity 1.000000 -> Raise number to increase green damping on spoiled food
boolprop lotInfoAdvancedMode [true/false] -> True=In neighbourhood shows the lotinfo. Can also just click on the 'info' button on the lotinfo screen
Autopatch on/off -> Toggles notification of available game patches
Help -> Lists some, but not all cheats
Exit -> Closes cheat window
Expand -> Expands or contracts the cheat window

Apartement Life

boolprop aptSubLotSpecificToolsDisabled false/true -> Enables/disables Buy/Build tools for occupied apartments
boolprop AptBaseLotSpecificToolsDisabled false/true ->Enables/disables Buy/Build tools for unoccupied apartments
